May 2012 ~ Present:
Visual and Parallel Computing Group, Intel Corporation, CA, USA
Aug. 2006 ~ April 2012: Graduate Research Assistant
Purdue University Rendering & Perceptualization Laboratory
Purdue University Rendering & Perceptualization Laboratory
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, IN, USA
Aug. 2010 ~ Nov. 2010: Research and Development Graduate Fulltime Internship
Internet Graphics Group, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
Mentor: Dr. Shixia Liu
Sept. 2000 ~ Aug. 2006: Research Engineer
Computer Graphics Research Team, Digital Contents Research Division,
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, KOREA
Aug. 2006 ~ May. 2012 |
West Lafayette, IN, USA
- Ph.D. in Electrical Computer
Engineering (Major Area: Computer Engineering)
- Thesis: Context-adaptive Illustrative
Visualization and Analytics Techniques- Advisor: Dr. David S. Ebert |
Mar. 1998 ~ Feb.2000 |
University, Seoul, KOREA (South) - M.S. in Computer Science & Engineering (Major Area: Computer Graphics) - Thesis: A Study on Radiosity Acceleration Technique based on Hemicube Algorithm - Advisor: Dr. KyungHyun Yoon |
Mar. 1994 ~ Feb.1998 |
University, Seoul, KOREA (South) - B.S. in Computer Science & Engineering - Thesis: A Survey on Online Character Recognition |
Graduate Fulltime
Internship: Microsoft Research Asia (Aug. ~ Nov. 2010) |
Aug. ~ Nov. 2010
Temporal visualization of a large scale of text data - Research and development of a temporal visualization technique for a large amount of textual data - Overview using stacked graph and temporal event view based on event Importance |
Research: Ph.D. (Aug. 2006 ~ April 2012)
Nov. 2011 ~
April 2012 |
TRIP: Travel
Response Investigative Profiler - Development of an individual's movement data visualization and visual analytics system based on geocoding and map visualization techniques to provide various spatiotemporal cues on a single map |
Feb. 2010 ~
Feb. 2012 |
Bristle Map: A
Multivariate Abstraction Technique for Geovisualization
- Research and development of an interactive visual encoding paradigm
for multi-dimensional data while focusing on overcoming issues in
over-plotting and clutter |
Jan. 2010 ~
Mar. 2011 |
Indoor Routing
Visualization for Multi-floor Buildings on Mobile Devices
- Research and development of interactive 2D/3D visualization methods
for indoor routing in a multi-floor building on mobile devices (iPhone/iPad) |
Nov. 2008 ~
Aug. 2010 |
Assisted Dietary Assessment
- Development of image
based dietary assessment applications on mobile devices (iPhone, HTC phone,
Nokia N810/N900 Internet Tablet) |
Sept. 2007 ~ Feb. 2010
- Research and development
of 2D/3D
stippling algorithm using textures
synthesized by examples- Research and development of 2D directional stippling using isophotes |
Aug. 2007 ~ Oct. 2008
Presentation Methods for Technical Data - Research and development of context-preserving visualization methods for large schematic and wiring diagrams - User study with engineering students and maintenance personnel using aircraft diagrams |
Aug. 2006 ~ July 2007
Mobile Visual analytics for Emergency
Response and Training |
- Research and development
of visualization
and visual analytics methods on mobile devices (i.e., Dell Axim X51v, Sprint
PCS Vision smartphone PPC-6700, OQO 02) with deployment of fire evacuation and rescue operation use cases
Research Engineer (Sept. 2000 ~ Aug. 2006)
Jan. 2005 ~ Aug. 2006
Development of
Non-Photorealistic Animation Technology - Development of integrated 3D non-photorealistic rendering techniques (cartoon, hatching, and sumie) |
Jul. 2003 ~
Dec. 2004 |
Development of S/W for production of
digital contents with high realism - Development of image-based lighting techniques using high dynamic range images (HDRI) - Development of HDRI shaders (MentalRay and RenderMan) |
Jan. 2003 ~
Jun. 2003 |
Development of 3D Engine for PDA
- Development of 2D/3D engine and pilot games
for Samsung PDA (funded by Samsung Electronics)- Development of rendering engine and a 3D puzzle game |
Sept. 2000 ~ Dec. 2002
The Networked Virtual Reality - Development of image-based interactive relighting for virtual reality environment - Development of a Java3D based VRML97 browser |
Research: Master (Mar. 1998 ~ Sept. 2000) |
Jan. ~ Sept. 2000
Non-Photorealistic Rendering: Color Paper
Mosaic Rendering - Development of a color paper mosaic technique emulating hand-made paper mosaic by using a layered color paper model and Perlin's noise for paper texture generation. |
Mar. 1998 ~ Dec. 1999
Simulation of Global Illumination by
Radiosity - Research and development of an accelerated formfactor algorithm for Radiosity using a geodesic dome as a combination of hemicube and hemisphere methods. |
Other fun work
Ray tracing - Development of ray tracer including reflection and refraction (CPU version) |
(Journal Papers)
F. Zhu, M. Bosch, I. Woo, S. Kim, C.
J. Boushey, D. S. Ebert, E. J. Delp. "The
Use of Mobile Devices in Aiding Dietary Assessment and Evaluation." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal
Processing, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 756-766, Aug. 2010.
I. Woo, S. Kim, R. Maciejewski, D. S. Ebert, T. D.
Ropp, K. Thomas. “SDViz: A
Context-Preserving Interactive Visualization System for Technical Diagrams.”
Computer Graphics Forum, 28(3), pp.
943-950, June 2009.
S. Kim, R. Maciejewski, K. Ostmo, E. J. Delp, T. Collins, D. S. Ebert. “Mobile
Analytics for Emergency Response and Training.” Information Visualization Journal, (2008)7,
pp.77-88, 2008.
S. Kim, B. Choi, “High
Dynamic Range Image Texture Mapping based on VRML.” Springer-Verlag
LNCS Vol.2669/2003, pp.488-497, May 2003.
S. Ryoo, S. Kim, K. Yoon. “The Trend of Computer Graphics Modeling
and Rendering Technology.” KMMS, 6(3), pp.5~24, September 2002.
Y. Park, S. Kim, C. Jho, K. Yoon. “Manual Color Paper Mosaic Technique.”
The journal of Computer
Graphics, 9(3), pp.17~23, Korea, 2000.
S. Kim, H. Ko, K. Yoon, “Acceleration
of a Formfactor Calculation through the Use of the 2D Tree.” Springer-Verlag LNCSE Vol.13, pp.100-111,
Dec. 1999.
(Conference Papers)
J. Chae, I. Woo, S. Kim,
R. Maciejewski, M. Zhu, E. J. Delp, C. J. Boushey, D. S. Ebert, "Volume Estimation Using Food
Specific Shape Templates in Mobile Image-Based Dietary Assessment." Computational Imaging IX, IS&T/SPIE
Electronic Imaging 2011, Vol.7873, 2011.
S. Kim, T. Schap, M. Bosch, R. Maciejewski, E. J. Delp, D. S. Ebert, C. J.
Boushey, “Development of a Mobile User
Interface for Image-based Dietary Assessment.” The 9th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
Multimedia (MUM), 2010.
S. Kim, I. Woo, R. Maciejewski, D. S. Ebert, T. Ropp, K. Thomas. "Evaluating Effectiveness of
Visualization Techniques for Schematic Diagrams in Maintenance Tasks."
The 7th Symposium on Applied
Perception in Graphics and Visualization, pp.33-40, 2010.
S. Kim, I. Woo, R. Maciejewski, D. S. Ebert. "Automated Hedcut Illustration Using Isophotes." The 10th Symposium on Smart Graphics 2010,
pp.172-183, 2010.
I. Woo, K. Ostmo, S. Kim,
D. S. Ebert, E. J. Delp, C. J. Boushey, “Automatic
portion estimation and visual refinement in mobile dietary assessment.” Computational Imaging VIII, IS&T/SPIE
Electronic Imaging 2010, Vol. 7533, pp. 75330O-75330O-10 (2010).
S. Kim, R. Maciejewski, T. Isenburg,
W. M. Andrews, W. Chen, M. C. Sousa, D. S. Ebert, “Stippling by Example.” In
Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on Non-photorealistic
animation and rendering (NPAR), pp.41-50, 2009.
R. Maciejewski, S. Kim,
D. King-Smith, K. Ostmo, N. Klosterman, A. K. Mikkilineni, D. S. Ebert, E. J.
Delp, T. F. Collins, “Situational Awareness and Visual Analytics
for Emergency Response and Training.” IEEE International
Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, pp.252-256, 2008.
S. Kim, Y. Jang, A. Mellema, D. S. Ebert, T. Collins, “Visual Analytics on Mobile
Devices for Emergency Response.” IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology,
pp.35-42, 2007.
S. Kim, C. Chu, E. Lee, “Development of
a 3D game engine and a pilot game for PDA.” CGAIED04, England, Nov. 2004.
H. Kim, S. Kim, J. Kim, B. Choi. “Framework for realistic surface
representation of real objects.” Proceedings
of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Computational
Geometry & Artificial Vision (ISCGAV’04), pp.1-5, 2004.
H. Kim, S. Kim, B. Choi. “Web Client System for 3D Virtual Shopping Mall.” Proceedings of the Internet and Multimedia
System and Applications, 2003.
B. Koo, H. Kim, S. Kim, J. Kim, B.
Choi, D. Kim. “Design and
Implementation of Networked Virtual Reality System.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Science,
Systems and Technology, pp.384-351, 2003.
H. Kim, J. Kim, S. Kim, B. Koo, B.
Choi, S. Han, “Virtual Shopping Mall
Client System Design Including Group-share.” Proceedings of the Applied Modeling and Simulation, 2002.
S. Han, M. Lim, D. Lee, H. Kim, B. Koo, S.
Kim, B. Choi. “Scalable Network
Support for 3D Virtual Shopping Mall.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual
System and Multimedia (VSMM2002), pp. 336-345, 2002.
S. Kim, H. Kim, B. Koo, B. Choi,
W. Oh, “Java3D-based simple event
processing for VRML”, The Korea
Multimedia Society, Korea, Nov., 2001.
H. Kim, S. Kim, B. Koo, B. Choi. “Layered-Depth Image Using Pixel
Grouping.” Proceedings of the
Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'01),
pp.121~127, 2001.
S. Kim, D. Kwon, T. Park, B. Choi,
“A Simple event model in Java3D-based
VRML browser.” Graphicon2001,
Russia, Aug., 2001.
Kim, B. Koo, B. Choi, “Image-based
Techniques.” The Korea Information Science Society, Korea, May, 2001.
Seo, S. Kim, Y. Park, K. Yoon,
“Color Paper Mosaic Rendering.” Sketches and Applications, ACM
SIGGRAPH01, p.157, Aug. 2001.
Kim, S. Kim, K. Yoon. “A Study
on the Ray-Tracing Acceleration Technique Based on the ZF-Buffer Algorithm.” Fourth
International Conference on Information Visualization, pp.393~398, 2000.
S. Kim, K. Yoon, “An Alternative to
the Hemicube Algorithm for Computing Formfactor.” Graphicon2000, pp.105-109, Russia,
Aug. 2000.
(Research Posters)
S. Kim, R. Maciejewski, K.
Ostmo, D. S. Ebert, “Visual Analytics for Emergency
Response and Training on Mobile Devices”, DHS Summit 2008, Washington
DC, March 2008. (selected with oral presentation)
S. Kim, Y. Jang, D. S. Ebert, “Visual
Analytics for Emergency Response Using Mobile Devices”, DHS Summit 2007, Washington DC, March
S. Kim, H. Kim, B. Kim, B. Koo, “A Unified Framework for 3D
Non-Photorealistic Rendering”, ACM
SIGGRAPH06 Research Poster, Aug. 2006.
S. Kim, B.Choi, “Image-based Relighting for the Contents
in Virtual Environment”, IPIU20,
Korea, Jan. 2002.
(Technical Reports)
D. S. Ebert, S. Kim, I. Woo, R.
Maciejewski, K. Thomas. “Novel
Presentation Methods for Technical Data.” AFRL-RH-WP-TR-2009-0024,
D. S. Ebert, T. F. Collins, S. Kim,
Y. Jang, A. Pattath. “Two Test Beds
for Mobile Visual Analytics.” VAC Views February Issue, pp. 12-13, Feb.
S. Kim, J. Lee, B. Kim, H. Kim, “Recent
Trends in Non-Photorealistic Rendering.” Electronics Telecommunications and Research Institute Technical
Report, Aug. 2005.
S. Kim, S. Pyo, B. Choi, “Analysis of High Dynamic Range Image format:
OpenEXR.” Electronics Telecommunications
and Research Institute Technical Report, Feb. 2004.
S. Kim, B. Choi, “The Trend of a High Dynamic Range Image.”
Electronics Telecommunications and Research
Institute Technical Report, Aug. 2002.
(US Patents)
S. Kim, J. Lee, B. Kim,
H. Kim, B. Koo. “Unified framework
based on extensible styles for 3D Non-photorealistic rendering and method of
configuration the same.” Feb. 16, 2010, US7663622.
B. Kim, J. Lee, S. Kim, H. Kim, B. Koo, “System and method for mosaic rendering
of three dimensional image.” Oct. 27, 2009, US7609275.
J. Lee, S. Kim, B. Kim, H. Kim, B. Koo, “Method of representing and animating
two-dimensional humanoid character in three-dimensional space.” Sep. 9,
2008, US7423650.
B. Koo, S. Kim, H. Kim, J. Kim, B. Choi. “System and Method for embodying virtual
reality.” Feb. 6, 2007, US7174039.
S. Kim, J. Kim, H. Kim, M. Cho, B.
Choi, H. Kim. “Rendering Apparatus and Method for real-time global illumination
in real light environment.” Jun. 22, 2006,
H. Kim, J. Kim, S. Kim, M. Cho, B. Choi, H. Kim,
“System for representing image of real
object by using photographic images and method thereof.” May 18, 2006,
J. Kim, M. Cho, H. Kim, S.
Kim, B. Choi, H. Kim. “Apparatus and method for rendition of image reality.” Dec. 1, 2005, US20050267726.
K. Yoon, C. Jho, Y. Park, S. Seo, S. Kim. “Method for
representing a color paper mosaic using computer.” Feb. 26, 2004, US20040036693.
S. Kim, B. Koo, H. Kim, B. Choi. “Client System
for embodying 3-dimension virtual reality and method for implementing virtual
reality using same.” Jun. 26, 2003,
(Korea Patents)
B. Koo, J. Lee, H. Kim, S. Kim, B. Kim, J. Park,
K. Yoon, “Painterly rendering method
based on a painters painting process and an exhibition system thereof by an
algorithm for reproducing the human error and a stroke data collecting
manner.” May 14, 2008, KR1020070060583.
H. Kim, J. Lee, S. Kim, B. Kim, B. Koo, M. Lee, “Shape-based cartoon rendering method for
emphasizing shape of object, extracting part to be emphasized, and
controlling degree of emphasis.” Jun. 13, 2007, KR1020060099879.
B. Kim, J. Lee, S. Kim, H. Kim, B. Koo, “System and method for mosaic rendering
3-dimensional model to generate 3-dimensional mosaic image.” Jun. 13,
2007, KR1020060055954.
J. Lee, S. Kim, B. Kim, H. Kim, B. Koo, “Method for representing and animating
two-dimensional characters as three-dimensional characters in
three-dimensional space.” Jun. 4, 2007, KR1020050120324.
S. Kim, J. Kim, H. Kim,
M. Cho, B. Choi, H. Kim, “Rendering
apparatus for obtaining real-time global illumination effect and method
thereof, in connection with providing realistic global illumination effect on
three dimensional object.” Jun. 23, 2006, KR1020040108828.
S. Pyo, S. Kim, H. Kim, B. Choi, “HDRI-based shader having a color
temperature adjustment function to generate a real image and provide an
exposure and color temperature adjustment function.” Jun. 10, 2005,